The implementation of your API in the context of task #5 should be well underway. It is now time to take a step back and reflect on what you have managed to implement so far. In some cases, this task may provide a gentle nudge to those who have been postponing their work on the implementation.

Your task is to prepare a short presentation on the progress of your implementation. Specifically, you are required to:

  • Prepare a PDF with presentation slides. This is necessary so that the presentations can be collected in advance to minimize presentation switching time. Each team will get a 15-minute time slot which should be split between presentation and discussion, so you can plan your presentation for approx. 8-10 minutes.

  • Present your API implementation work during the labs. Teams split between different labs have to give a talk during one of the labs, subject to availability/capacity limitations.

Note that to provide all teams with sufficient time, presentations will be held in labs spanning two weeks. See presentation schedule for details.



  • Provide a brief API review (to establish context)
    • What are the key concepts and the API character?
    • What API changes (if any) did you make and what prompted them?
  • Present implementation/low-level design highlights
    • Is there something you are proud/fond of?
    • Did you manage to balance some forces/concerns in an elegant way?
    • What do you think makes your code/design easy to understand?
  • Comment on the state of the implementation
    • What is the status of the tests you received from others?
    • How did the external tests impact your API and implementation work?


  • Stick to the time limit
    • Be specific, avoid general introductions
    • Keep in mind that other teams need to present too
  • Avoid black background
    • Makes the presentation difficult to view


Submit the presentation through your code repository (in the task-1 group) as a single PDF file stored in .nprg043/presentations/implementation.pdf (relative to repository root). Keep in mind that file names in GIT (and on Linux) are case-sensitive.

Files in the .nprg043 subdirectory are never exported to other students. If you want to make the presentation part of the project (that other students will see), you should keep a separate copy of the presentation elsewhere in the project (preferably in a directory with documentation, not in the repository root). The same applies to source files used to produce the presentation PDF.

That said, make sure that the implementation.pdf file is present in the .nprg043/presentations directory at deadline.

Full points will be awarded only if you submit the presentation PDF on time AND your team presents it during the labs.

Please note that submissions that fail to place the slides in the required location (or use a different name) will receive a penalty of 1 point, because handling such a submission requires manual intervention.

Tag the commit (use git tag, not a commit message) with the final version of your presentation using the task-6-submission tag.